How to Integrate with Magento V2
This page will help you integrate Magento V2 webstores with StoreFeeder
Our Magento V2 Integration lets you:
- Create product listings
- Download your Magento orders
- Pick, pack and despatch orders
- Send tracking information to Magento
- Update and synchronise inventory
- Update stocks to all other channels
- Please note that we do not currently support Magento V2.x stores with multiple websites configured.
- Ensure that you have set the correct Tax Calculation Setting in your Magento webstore before integrating with StoreFeeder. You can find this in (Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Tax).
Recommended tax settings:
- Tax Calculation Method Based On -> Unit Price
- Tax Calculation Based On -> Shipping Address
- Catalog Prices -> Including Tax
- Shipping Prices -> Including Tax
- Apply Customer Tax -> Before Discount
- Apply Discount On Prices -> Including Tax
- Apply Tax On -> Customer price if available
Integrating StoreFeeder with your Magento marketplace can be a bit of a daunting process, however it can be easily achieved. Just follow the step by step instructions below and you should be up and running in no time.
Step by Step Guide
Step 1.
First, sign into StoreFeeder using your login details. You will then be brought to the 'Dashboard' and will see a yellow bar at the top of the page indicating that you have sales channels that have not been tested. To begin the integration, click on the link in the yellow bar.
Step 2.
You will now see the 'Integration Manager' page and a list of all of your channels.
To integrate your Magento channel, look for 'Existing Webstore Integrations' and then click on 'Edit/View Integration'.
If Magento does not already appear on this list then you will need to set up a new integration for it; you can do this by scrolling to the top right of the Integration Manager page and clicking the green button marked "+ New Integration".
Step 3.
If you are creating a new integration you will then be greeted by the following screens where you will need to pick the circled options.
If you are editing an already existing integration, you can skip this step.
You will then be asked to input a name for the integration and if you wish to extend permissions to all users on your account. Once you have finished, click the '+Add Integration' to proceed.
You will now see the 'Integration Details' page for this channel. In the 'Integration Profile Section' you can edit your Profile Name, select a Company Identity and set the channel’s Active status.
StoreFeeder has pre-set the majority of these settings on this page. This is because the integration will default to the '' mode within StoreFeeder when it is created, allowing for the connection to be easily checked. Leave these settings as they are until you are ready to go live.
Step 4.
You will be directed to the 'Integration Details' page. In the 'Integration Profile' section, select your Company identity from the drop down menu. There is also the option to switch the integration to Active. Leave this switched 'Off' until the integration is fully linked to your Magento account.
In the 'Link your Magento Account' section, from the drop down box circled below. Select '2.0 and above' as your Magento version.
Fields will appear detailing your 'Callback URL' and 'Identity Link URL'. You will need to copy these into your Magento admin panel, as detailed below.
Ensure your Magento website address is correct, this is the URL your customers will use to find your webstore.
It's important that you now save these settings by clicking the 'save' button at the bottom of the page. If this is not done it can cause minor issues later on in the integration process.
Step 5.
In order to grant StoreFeeder permission to integrate with your Magento store, you will need to create a new integration for StoreFeeder from within your Magento admin panel.
In a separate tab or browser window, log into your Magento admin panel. Click the 'System' icon, then click 'Integrations':
Click 'Add new Integration'
You will be directed to the 'Integration info' tab of the 'New Integration' page.
In the fields, add in the new user details for the API user. Copy the 'Callback URL' and 'Identity link URL' provided in StoreFeeder into the appropriate fields. When complete, click the 'Save' button.
On the drop down arrow on the Save button is the option to 'Save and activate'. You must set user API permissions before activating the integration, or StoreFeeder will not be granted permission to download and update your orders and listings.
Next, Click the 'API' tab. here you will need to set the permissions (resource access) that StoreFeeder will be granted.
We recommend you select 'All' for the resource access. You can choose specific permissions by checking the boxes, but without granting StoreFeeder full access, some parts of your integration may not work properly.
Click 'Save' when you are ready.
Step 6.
Your integration will now be visible. Click 'Activate' to continue:
Confirm the activation of the integration on the next page by clicking the 'Allow' button:
If you have a popup blocker enabled, you will need to allow popups from StoreFeeder to continue with the integration. This can be done in the top right hand corner of your web browser.
Magento will then ask you to sign back into StoreFeeder to complete the integration in a separate window. Click 'Connect' to Continue:
Once you click connect, the popup window will disappear. Your Integration will now be set to 'active' in your Magento admin panel.
Step 7.
You can now re-enter StoreFeeder to complete the integration. You can also use the 'Test Connection' button to check whether the integration was connected successfully:
Scroll down the page to view Channel Specific settings. Take a moment to consider which settings you would like to activate. You can hover your mouse pointer over each one for an explanation of its function:
Be sure to click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page to save your setting changes.
To complete the process, and to allow your listings to be processed, you will need to decide which options you would like for your 'Website' 'Store View' and 'Store' settings:
Finally, click the 'Save' button to complete the Magento V2.x integration.
Congratulations! Your Magento account and your StoreFeeder account are now integrated.
For information on the 'Channel Settings' found at the bottom of your Magento integration page, please see knowledgebases found here for further details.
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