Using a barcode scanner when packing and despatching orders with StoreFeeder increases the accuracy and speed of the pick/pack process.
This is an optional feature to StoreFeeder that is activated on request. Please contact the support team if you would like it adding to your account.
To begin the process, first create a pickwave containing the orders you would like to despatch, then print the ‘Picking List’ and your pickers can then pick the items required to fulfill all the orders on the pickwave, visiting each pick location only once.
Once all items are picked and back at the packing station, click on 'Scan Products' as shown in the image below.
You will now see the 'Edit Pickwave' screen. This shows you every item ordered in this pickwave. The lines highlighted in red indicate that the full quantity of the item has not been scanned and assigned to an order yet.
Select any item and scan the barcode on the product.
The system will then select an appropriate order which contains this product to despatch. If this is a single item order and is therefore completed with just the single item you have scanned, StoreFeeder will produce the despatch note and delivery label, mark the order as despatched on the system and update the sales channel.
If the items scanned form part of a multi-item order, you will then be taken to the 'Scan Order' page showing an order containing that item.
You will then be prompted to select and scan the other items required to complete this order. This could be further units of the first scanned item or different items.
Once the full quantity required for an item has had all of its units scanned in, the line will be highlighted in green to indicate this.
Scan the remaining items to complete the order and once they have all been added, StoreFeeder will produce the despatch note and delivery label, mark the order as despatched on the system and update the sales channel.
Click the 'Back To Pickwave View' button to continue the packing process.
The items in the pickwave that have no further orders to be processed will now be highlighted in green and you should have none of these products left on the packing bench.
Select another product and repeat the process above until all of your orders have been completed, packed and despatched and all items on the pickwave view are highlighted in green.
The pickwave will then move to 'Completed Pickwaves' once all the orders have been despatched.
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