Before Starting
We at StoreFeeder are very excited to be able to give our customers the option of refunding through StoreFeeder. As this is very new feature it's important to know that there are limitations to it currently in this early stage. Currently refunds through StoreFeeder can only be carried out on PayPal transactions associated with an order placed through your eBay store channel. We are looking to broaden the accessability of this feature to other channels in due time.
Also, this feature is only accessible if your PayPal account has PayPal Pro activated on it. It will not work without it.
Setting Up
In order to set up refunding through StoreFeeder, you'll need to first aquire your PayPal REST Credentials.
Assuming you already have a PayPal Pro account (or have just upgraded), creating/getting your REST API details is extremely easy, please follow the steps below.
Step 1.
Firstly, you will need to log into the PayPal Developer Portal, your login credentials are exactly the same as those that you use to log into PayPal. The page should look like below:

Step 2.
After logging into the PayPal Developer Portal, you will need to either create or view your REST App. To do this, first locate the Dashboard tab on the left, then click into My Apps & Credentials (as shown in the image below). When you have done this, either select your already created REST App (If you already have one) or Click "Create App"

Step 3.
If you have already created a REST App, you can skip this step and move onto the next.
For those who need to create an app, enter in the name of your app, this can be anything you want (this could be, for example, "StoreFeeder"). After you have thought of a name, click Create App.

Step 4.
After you have created your app, or if you are viewing an already created app, you should now be presented with a new page which provides you with the information you need to enter into StoreFeeder.
On that page you should see your ClientID, which needs to be entered into StoreFeeder and your security key (Click on show just under security), this also needs to be entered into StoreFeeder(For security reasons, we have removed the information from the image below so your version may look a lot different).

Before you leave this page, to make your refunds affect your live account, make sure to click on the live button shown in the image above in the top right corner.
Finishing Set Up
After collecting this information, head back over to StoreFeeder and open your PayPal Integration Details page.
Turn the switch titled "Process Refunds" to "On" and you'll notice 3 extra fields appear under "PayPal REST Settings"
In the fields that have now appeared you will need to enter the information you collected from your PayPal account. Once you have done this press "Save", and then test the connection. If the connection is tested successfully, you should now be able to refund PayPal transactions on StoreFeeder.

Using the Refund Feature
Should there be an order you wish to refund you can now do so by clicking the "Transactions" tab on the left had side of the order's "Edit Order" page as shown below:

From here it's as simple as clicking the "Refund Transaction" button highlighted above! You will be prompted to confirm your action once more before the refund is processed just to avoid any accidents.
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