Before you can create a listing on your Big Commerce channel, you will need to create the item to be listed as a product in StoreFeeder first.
For more information on product creation see these knowledgebases:Creating a simple product in StoreFeeder
Creating a variation product in StoreFeeder
To begin creating your Big Commerce listing, click on 'Listings' in the menu on the left of the screen. You will be taken to the 'Existing Listings' page.
Click on the green 'New Listing' button circled below to start creating the listing.
You will see a list containing your active sales channels in StoreFeeder. Select your 'Big Commerce' channel.
You will now see the 'Listing Details' page for Big Commerce. The 'SKU', 'Product Name', 'Price', 'Brand' and 'RRP' information set against the product will already be populated on the listing page. Fill in the information you require and click on the 'Meta & Keywords' tab.
Other fields on the page are:
Sale Price: If your item is on sale, enter the sale price in this field. It will be used instead of the default item price.
Cost Price: This is the cost price of your item. It is only stored for reference and will not be visible on the listing.
Tax Class: The ID of the tax class that applies to the product being listed. These classes will need to be set up in Big Commerce.
Identifier: This is . If a barcode is on the product it will populate this field. If you change the identifier on the listing page, that will be used instead.
Avalara Product Code: Accepts AvaTax system codes that identify products and services that fall into special sales tax categories.
Max Inventory: This field allows you to determine the maximum inventory that the listing will show, regardless of what inventory you have for the product in StoreFeeder. For example, if you set the Max Inventory to 5, but have 10 in StoreFeeder, the listing will always show 5 even when one is sold. Once your inventory in StoreFeeder goes below the specified Max Inventory, the true inventory will be shown on the listing.
Availability: This option allows you to set the visibility of the listing on your Big Commerce store. You can set the product to be visible, available for or unavailable.
Availability Description: Displays a description on the checkout page under the product title telling the customer how long it will normally take to ship this product, e.g. "Orders despatched within 24 hours".
Oversell: Using this feature, you can list more inventory than you have of a product in StoreFeeder. For example, if you have a reliable supplier and know you can get the stock quickly, you can enter a value that will keep the listing live past what inventory you have on the product in StoreFeeder. Additionally, this feature can be used to keep a listing live when you are out of stock on the product without letting the listing appear out of stock on .
Free Shipping: Sets the listing to have free shipping.
Fixed Shipping Cost: Sets a fixed shipping cost for the listing that will override the normal shipping cost calculations on the checkout page.
Keep Listing URL: Big Commerce automatically generates a URL based on the title of the product. If this is set to 'On' it will retain the last URL that was generated by Big Commerce.
Is Featured: If set to 'On', the listing is displayed in the featured products section of your website.
Inventory Type Settings
You can also set where the inventory for the listing comes from as well as what percentage of your inventory will be applied to the listing. There are three different types of inventory settings:
Inventory + Oversell: This will use the inventory on your product as well as your oversell amount if you have entered one.
Inventory + Oversell + Priority Supplier Inventory: This will use the inventory on your product as well as your oversell amount if you have entered one, plus the inventory of your priority supplier specified on the product.
Inventory + Oversell + Sum Of Suppliers Inventory: This will use the inventory on your product as well as your oversell amount if you have entered one, plus the total inventory of all of your suppliers.
You can then enter what percentage of the selected inventory type is to be used.
You do NOT need to click 'Save & Upload' when moving between the listing tabs on the left of the page.
On the 'Meta & Keywords' you can set the for the listing, including any 'Meta Keywords' or 'Meta Description'. Additionally, you can set a 'Page Title' and any 'Search Keywords' you require.
When setting search keywords and meta keywords, type the keyword followed by and then a space to add it.
Next click on the 'Categories' tab.
Set the 'Big Commerce Categories' that your listing will appear in. You can set multiple categories per listing.
You will need to create the categories on your Big Commerce website and import them into StoreFeeder before you can set them on your listings. The categories can be imported on your Big Commerce integration settings page.
When you have completed this, click the 'Description' tab.
You now need to enter a description for your listing. If you have a description on your product in StoreFeeder, then that will be automatically used as your listing description, however, you can edit the description on the listing if you wish.
Next click on the 'Images' tab.
The final step of the listing process is to set the images for the listing. You will see any images you have uploaded against the product in the 'Images' section. Click on the image to select it for upload to the listing. If the image is greyed-out then it will not be sent to channel.
Now you have entered all the required information, you will need to upload it to your Big Commerce website. To upload the listing straight away, click 'Save and Upload'.
It could take a couple of minutes for the listing upload depending on the information being submitted. It is possible to queue the listing for upload, so you can continue creating other listings while it is processed in the background. To do this, click the 'Save and Queue For Upload' button.
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