This knowledgebase will help you to diagnose any MetaPack errors you come across.
The errors are split into the following classes:
E10xxx - Internal, critical error preventing the whole system from working properly. Action: MetaPack handles these automatically.
E20xxx - Validation errors. These are usually in response to the input you've provided, but also cover things like invalid arguments to URLs and security violations. Action: Check your input parameters.
E30xxx - Communication errors. These tend to be temporary and sometimes even resolve themselves. Action: Wait and try later, or contact MetaPack support if it continues.
E40xxx - Database problems. These occur when there is an issue with the database. Action: There is nothing you can do here, besides report it to MetaPack.
Specific Error Messages
Code | Message | Description |
E10001 | ERROR_BAD_ACTION_CLASS | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10008 | ERROR_MISSING_ACTION_CLASS | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10015 | ERROR_INVALID_TRANSLATION | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10016 | ERROR_MISSING_TEMPLATE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10027 | ERROR_MISSING_MANIFEST_ENCODER | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10028 | ERROR_MISSING_FIELD_ENCODER | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10029 | ERROR_EMPTY_MANIFEST | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10031 | ERROR_INVALID_ROUTING_FILE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10032 | ERROR_ROUTING_FILE_FAILED | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10036 | ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_ENCODER | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10037 | ERROR_MISSING_CARRIER_CONFIGURATION | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10038 | ERROR_MISSING_CONSIGNMENT_CODE_GENERATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10039 | ERROR_INVALID_CONSIGNMENT_CODE_GENERATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10040 | ERROR_MISSING_PARCEL_CODE_GENERATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10041 | ERROR_INVALID_PARCEL_CODE_GENERATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10042 | ERROR_MISSING_FTP_AGENT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10043 | ERROR_INVALID_FTP_AGENT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10051 | ERROR_MISSING_ROUTE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve. In a nutshell, carriers provide us with the codes they use to refer to particular places or routes. From time to time, they make mistakes and incorrect or inconsistent information arrives in our systems. In the live environment, this is spotted almost immediately, and our support staff put a workaround in place. This can also happen in our test environments. However, as the number of different postcodes provided to the test environment is vastly smaller than in our live ones, it is often not spotted until several days after the update from the carrier. If you see this error in the test environments, our development staff are notified automatically. However, it sometimes takes an hour or two to put a workaround in place. |
This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10054 | ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_WORK | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10063 | ERROR_INVALID_LABEL_TEMPLATE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10064 | ERROR_MISSING_LABEL | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10065 | ERROR_MISSING_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10071 | ERROR_NO_PAF | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10072 | ERROR_PAF_FAILED | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10095 | ERROR_MISSING_OPTIONS_GENERATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10096 | ERROR_INVALID_OPTIONS_GENERATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10099 | ERROR_MISSING_REMOTE_CANCEL_CLASS | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10100 | ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_CANCEL_CLASS | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10103 | ERROR_FAILED_EXECUTING_LABELG_CITYLINK_BARCODE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10112 | ERROR_SAVING_FILE_FORMAT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10113 | ERROR_SAVING_FILE_FORMAT_FIELD | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10114 | ERROR_LOADING_FILE_FORMAT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10115 | ERROR_PROCESSING_FILE_FORMAT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10132 | ERROR_INVALID_DATES_GENERATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10138 | ERROR_MISSING_MANIFEST_FTP_AGENT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10139 | ERROR_INVALID_MANIFEST_FTP_AGENT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10140 | ERROR_MISSING_MANIFEST_SMTP_AGENT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10141 | ERROR_INVALID_MANIFEST_SMTP_AGENT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10142 | ERROR_MISSING_MANIFEST_SOAP_AGENT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10143 | ERROR_INVALID_MANIFEST_SOAP_AGENT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10155 | ERROR_MISSING_REMOTE_SERVICE_LOOKUP_GENERATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10162 | ERROR_MISSING_TRUNKING_WORKING_DAYS | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10177 | ERROR_MISSING_MANIFEST_HTTPS_AGENT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10178 | ERROR_INVALID_MANIFEST_HTTPS_AGENT | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10180 | ERROR_COLLECTION_SLOT_NOT_FOUND | One reason you may see this is where the carrier does not say they come to the area in which your warehouse resides. Alternatively, the carrier might not come to the warehouse on the days the warehouse works. Another time you see this error is during manifesting, but you've removed the configuration of a service that has parcels going on the manifest. |
E10181 | ERROR_DELIVERY_SLOT_NOT_FOUND | The delivery slot requested was not found. |
E10182 | ERROR_CITYLINK_BARCODE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10192 | ERROR_MISSING_REMOTE_LABEL_PRODUCER | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10193 | ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_LABEL_PRODUCER | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10194 | ERROR_SIGNATURE_NOT_VERIFIED | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10195 | ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_KEY | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10196 | ERROR_INVALID_URL | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10197 | ERROR_SIGNATURE_GENERATION_FAILURE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10198 | ERROR_INVALID_FIELD | This means that either the reason code or the reason value used when voiding a consignment was invalid. |
E10199 | ERROR_MISSING_ENCODING | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10200 | ERROR_MISSING_KEYSTORE_TYPE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10202 | ERROR_MISSING_CERTIFICATE_KEY | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10205 | ERROR_MISSING_REMOTE_VOID_CONSIGNMENT_CLASS | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10206 | ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_VOID_CONSIGNMENT_CLASS | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10214 | ERROR_TIME_OUT | A time out occured while trying to access a resource. |
E10215 | ERROR_MISSING_REMOTE_CONSIGNMENT_ALLOCATION_CLASS | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10216 | ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_CONSIGNMENT_ALLOCATION_CLASS | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10218 | ERROR_MISSING_PRODUCT_INFORMATION | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10231 | ERROR_CURRENCY_RATE_NOT_FOUND | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E10243 | ERROR_INVALID_CARRIER_DEFINITION | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20005 | ERROR_INVALID_CHARACTER | An invalid character has been supplied. For example, putting a pound-sign into a UK postcode is invalid. |
E20006 | ERROR_INVALID_POSTCODE_FORMAT | The postcode provided is not in the proper format. The UK postcode structure is a little complicated, but it is specific (BS7666). For information as to how individual countries validate their postcode, check Wikipedia. For countries that do not require postcodes, use the empty string. |
E20009 | ERROR_MISSING_ACTION_CODE | The URL provided to the GUI is not formatted correctly |
E20010 | ERROR_RECORD_DELETED | You are trying to view something that has already been deleted. This can also occur when you attempt to look for a record that has never existed. |
E20011 | ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | You do not have the appropriate access rights to do the action you are trying to do. |
E20012 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_ACTION_CODE | The URL provided to the GUI is not formatted correctly. |
E20013 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS_TYP | Delivery Manager does not support the address type you've specified (it only supports "business" or "residential"). |
E20014 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_COUNTRY_CODE | The country code you've specified is not defined in ISO-3166 (Alpha-2, Alpha-3 and Numeric). |
E20018 | ERROR_PAGE_NOT_FOUND | The page you're looking for cannot be found - check the URL. |
E20024 | ERROR_INVALID_XML | The XML file you've specified is not valid |
E20026 | ERROR_KILLED | The task you're trying to view has been killed. |
E20030 | ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_MANIFEST | There was a problem in creating the manifest. |
E20045 | ERROR_ALREADY_MANIFESTED | The consignment is already on a manifest. |
E20046 | ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_DELIVERY_CONDITION | A delivery option condition has been applied to something that does not support it (usually boolean or tag values). |
E20047 | ERROR_INVALID_DELIVERY_CONDITION | The condition you specified is not valid. |
E20048 | ERROR_INVALID_IMPORT_FILE | The file you are attempting to import is not valid. |
E20050 | ERROR_MALFORMED_UPI | The UPI (Unique Parcel Number) cannot be discovered as it appears to be invalid |
E20053 | ERROR_NUMBER_RANGE_EXCEEDED | There are no more unique numbers available to your account with the carrier. Contact the carrier to obtain a new set so the administrator can add the new number range. |
E20055 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE | The service attribute you specified is not known to this system. |
E20056 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_SERVICE | The service you've specified is not known to this system. |
E20057 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_SERVICE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE | The attribute type is not known. |
E20058 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_CONSIGNMENT_STATUS | The consignment status is not known. See the list of available statuses in the InformationService. |
E20059 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_DELIVERY_CONDITION | The delivery condition you've specified is not understood by this system. |
E20060 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_DEPOT | The depot cannot be found. |
E20061 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_MANIFEST_STATUS | The manifest status is not understood. |
E20062 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_BARCODE_FORMAT | The barcode format is not supported by PDF. |
E20066 | ERROR_MISSING_RETAILER_NAME | You must supply the company name of the retailer/shipper. |
E20067 | ERROR_MISSING_FIRST_NAME | You must supply a first name. |
E20068 | ERROR_MISSING_LAST_NAME | You must supply a last name. |
E20069 | ERROR_MISSING_EMAIL_ADDRESS | You must supply a valid email address. |
E20070 | ERROR_RETAILER_ALREADY_EXISTS | The shipper/retailer already exists in the system. |
E20073 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_TYPE | The transaction type is not supported. It should be "delivery" or "pick-up". |
E20074 | ERROR_INVALID_CONSIGNMENT_STATUS | The consignment status is not valid. |
E20075 | ERROR_UNALLOCATED_CONSIGNMENT | The operation you are trying to do can only be done to consignments that have been allocated to a carrier. |
E20076 | ERROR_MISSING_ACCOUNT_CODE | NightFreight require an account code to be correctly assigned to each warehouse - it appears to be missing. |
E20077 | ERROR_INVALID_MANIFEST | The manifest cannot be resent as it's not valid. |
E20078 | ERROR_MISSING_CLIENT_NAME | You must supply the name of the client. |
E20079 | ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS | The address is not valid. The first two lines and the postcode/zip are required. |
E20080 | ERROR_INVALID_CONSIGNMENT_WEIGHT | The consignment weight must be a positive number. |
E20081 | ERROR_INVALID_PARCEL_NUMBER | The number of parcels must be a positive integer. |
E20082 | ERROR_MISSING_ORDER_NUMBER | The order number/reference code must be supplied. |
E20083 | ERROR_INVALID_DATE_COUNT | Delivery Manager can only return between 1 and 50 dates (inclusive). |
E20084 | ERROR_MISSING_WAREHOUSE_CODE | For certain operations, the object (usually a Consignment) requires a warehouse code to be specified. If you've not provided one (or one could not be worked out), this error will be raised. This differs from the E20188 error, where an argument to a web service operation (request) is missing. |
The main parameter is missing from the SOAP call (it looks like it's null). |
E20086 | ERROR_MISSING_CARRIER_SERVICE_CODE | You must provide the carrier service code. |
E20087 | ERROR_MISSING_CONSIGNMENT_CODE | You must provide the consignment code (DMC...) |
E20088 | ERROR_ALREADY_ALLOCATED | The consignment is already allocated to a carrier. |
E20089 | ERROR_INVALID_CARRIER_SERVICE_FOR_ALLOCATION | The service you've specified cannot be used for this consignment |
E20090 | ERROR_NO_PRINT_IN_THIS_STATUS | The consignment cannot have labels printed in this status. |
E20091 | ERROR_PARCEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST | The parcel does not exist. |
E20092 | ERROR_REPRINT_NEVER_PRINTED | You can only reprint labels that have been previously printed. |
E20093 | ERROR_MISSING_PARCEL_CODE | You must supply the parcel code |
E20094 | ERROR_NO_MODIFICATION_IN_THIS_STATUS | You cannot make changes to a consignment in this status. Consignments that have been manifested cannot be altered in any way. Also, certain changes cannot be done once a consignment is allocated to a carrier. |
E20104 | ERROR_INVALID_SETUP_PARAMETER | At least one of the parameters provided in your setup is invalid. |
E20106 | ERROR_INVALID_POD | The proof-of-delivery type specified is unknown. |
E20110 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE | The system is unable to deal with the type of file you've provided. |
E20111 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE | The data type is unknown. |
E20120 | ERROR_UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE | The system is not able to determine the best carrier for this consignment. |
E20121 | ERROR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_DELIVERY_OPTIONS | The system is not able to determine the best delivery option to be allocated to this consignment. |
E20122 | ERROR_DEPOT_REMOVED | The carrier's depot has been removed. |
E20123 | ERROR_MISSING_SENDER_NAME | The sender's name is missing |
E20124 | ERROR_BAD_STATE | An attempt has been made to print a label for a parcel while the parcel was not in a valid state. |
E20125 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_STATUS | The status of a message is unknown. |
E20126 | ERROR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_SUITABLE_CARRIER | There was no carrier deemed to be suitable for the consignment (no delivery options were available). |
E20127 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_INSURANCE_CODE | The insurance code provided is unknown to this system. |
E20128 | ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT | This error is caused when a scheduled task is provided an invalid value. |
E20130 | ERROR_CALCULATION_FAILED | Although the best carrier service could be identified, it could not be used as the costing configuration is incomplete. |
E20131 | ERROR_FIELD_TOO_LONG | The value you've passed for one of the parameters is too long. |
E20133 | ERROR_DUPLICATE_ORDER | The order already exists. |
E20134 | ERROR_NO_DELIVERY_DATES_AVAILABLE | The system was unable to determine any delivery dates. |
E20135 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_COST_TYPE | Your costing mechanism includes an unknown cost type. |
E20137 | ERROR_MISSING_PARCELS | Parcels are missing from the request. |
E20144 | ERROR_INVALID_DELIVERED_DUTY | The delivery duty type is unknown. |
E20145 | ERROR_INVALID_INVOICE | The invoice type is unknown. |
E20146 | ERROR_INVALID_BOOKING_CODE | The booking code provided does not appear to be valid. This is usually down to the formatting. |
E20147 | ERROR_NO_VALIDATION_IN_THIS_STATUS | You can only validate an allocation before the labels have been printed. |
E20148 | ERROR_INVALID_SENDER_NOTIFICATION_TYPE | The notification type for the sender is not understood. |
E20149 | ERROR_INVALID_RECIPIENT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE | The notification type for the recipient is not understood. |
E20150 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_CARRIER_CODE | The carrier code provided is not known in this system |
E20151 | ERROR_MISSING_NUMBER_RANGE | The number range cannot be found so allocation is not possible. |
E20152 | ERROR_INVALID_PRODUCT_INFORMATION | Some information provided about the product is invalid - the actual detail is provided in the error message itself. |
E20153 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_TYPE | Delivery Manager does not support the message type you've specified (it only supports "Email" or "SMS") |
E20154 | ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT | Delivery Manager does not support email attachment you've provided |
E20156 | ERROR_INVALID_REMOTE_SERVICE_LOOKUP_GENERATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20157 | ERROR_REMOTE_CONSTRAINT_CHECKER | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20160 | INVALID_RECIPIENT_PHONE | Missing recipient contact phone number |
E20163 | ERROR_INVALID_DATA | The input data is not valid and has failed validation. The accompanying message will identify which part of the data failed validation. For example, a zero or negative consignment value or weight is not valid. |
E20164 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_CHART_TYPE | The chart type requested is not recognised. |
E20165 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_SHIPMENT_TYPE | Delivery Manager does not support the shipment type you've specified (it only supports "samples", "gifts", "possessions" or "merchandise"). |
E20166 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_TERMS_OF_TRADE | Delivery Manager does not support the terms of trade you've specified (it only supports "ddu" or "ddp"). |
E20167 | ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION_FOR_CARRIER | The operation you've asked the system to perform cannot be done as the carrier does not support it. For example, certain carriers allow you to change the number of parcels in a consignment after it has been allocated or printed, while other carriers do not. |
E20168 | ERROR_EXPRESSION_COMPILATION_EXCEPTION | An expression had a compilation error in it. More detail will be shown in the error message itself. |
E20169 | ERROR_EXPRESSION_EVALUATION_EXCEPTION | An error occurred while the expression was being evaluated. More detail will be shown in the error message itself. |
E20170 | ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_FORMAT | The file provided is not in the correct format. This could be due to a version incompatibility, or an incorrect version being identified in the file itself. |
E20171 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE | An unknown record type was specified. |
E20172 | ERROR_INVALID_MAP_VALUE | An invalid date format was used when importing consignments. |
E20173 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_NEXT_CONSIGNMENT_INDICATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20174 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_NEXT_PARCEL_INDICATOR | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20175 | ERROR_INVALID_CONSIGNMENT_VALUE | An invalid value was used in a consignment. |
E20176 | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | An invalid parameter was used. |
E20183 | ERROR_INVALID_SOAP_PARAMETER | An invalid soap parameter was used. |
E20184 | ERROR_INVALID_SEARCH_PARAMETER | In invalid search parameter was used. |
E20185 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_NOTIFICATION_TYPE | An unrecognised notification type was provided. |
E20186 | ERROR_INVALID_UPDATE_CONSIGNMENT | An invalid parameter was used when trying to update a consignment. |
E20187 | ERROR_ALREADY_SHIPPED | The consignment has already been shipped. |
E20188 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_WAREHOUSE_CODE | The request was expecting a warehouse code but none was provided (or its value was null). |
E20190 | ERROR_PERMISSIBLE_DAYS_EXCEEDED | The retailer property for maximum days allowed to void a consignment has been exceeded |
E20203 | ERROR_INVALID_CONSIGNMENT_PROPERTY | An invalid property was provided for a consignment. |
E20204 | ERROR_INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE | An invalid country code was provided. |
E20208 | ERROR_PARCEL_COUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | The system limit of parcels allowed in a consignment has been exceeded. |
E20209 | ERROR_INVALID_PARCEL_VALUE | A parcel cannot have a negative value. |
E20210 | ERROR_INVALID_PARCEL_WEIGHT | A parcel cannot have a negative weight. |
E20211 | ERROR_INVALID_PARCEL_DEPTH | A parcel cannot have a negative depth. |
E20212 | ERROR_INVALID_PARCEL_HEIGHT | A parcel cannot have a negative height. |
E20213 | ERROR_INVALID_PARCEL_WIDTH | A parcel cannot have a negative width. |
E20217 | ERROR_INVALID_INSURANCE_AMOUNT | An invalid insurance amount has been provided. |
E20222 | ERROR_JOB_CANCELLED | The user has cancelled the job |
E20223 | ERROR_INVALID_REPORT_FIELDS_ORDER_BY | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20224 | ERROR_INVALID_REPORT_FREQUENCY_ID | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20225 | ERROR_INVALID_REPORT_STATUS_ID | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20226 | ERROR_INVALID_REPORT_FIELD_ID | Delivery Manager does not support the report field |
E20227 | ERROR_FAILED_REPORT_ZIP | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20229 | ERROR_IMAGE_READWRITE_FAILURE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20230 | ERROR_UNKNOWN_DOCUMENT_TYPE | Delivery Manager does not support the document type |
E20232 | ERROR_INVALID_CURRENCY_CODE | The currency used in consignment is not supported by retailer |
E20233 | ERROR_INVALID_ZPL_DPI | Delivery Manager does not support the dpi you've specified for ZPL label |
E20234 | ERROR_CONVERTING_IMAGE_HEX | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20235 | ERROR_DECODING_IMAGE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20236 | ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE_TYPE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20237 | ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGE_CODE | Delivery Manager does not support language code you've provided |
E20238 | ERROR_MISSING_CARTON_ID | You must provide carton Id |
E20239 | ERROR_INVALID_MANIFEST_GROUP_CODE | The manifest group code provided is invalid |
E20240 | ERROR_INVALID_FEED_FILE_FIELD | The field in feed file you've provided is not appropriate |
E20241 | ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_INDICIA_ID | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20242 | ERROR_INVALID_JOB_STATE_ID | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E20244 | ERROR_INVALID_PACKAGE_TYPE | Delivery Manager does not support package type you've provided |
E20245 | ERROR_INVALID_CONSIGNMENT_COD_AMOUNT | The cash on delivery amount you've provided for consignment is invalid |
E20246 | ERROR_INVALID_PARCEL_COD_AMOUNT | The cash on delivery amount you've provided for parcel is invalid. |
E20247 | ERROR_INVALID_PAYMENT_TYPE | Delivery Manager does not support payment type you've provided |
E20248 | ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_LABEL_FORMAT | Delivery Manager does not support label format you've provided |
E30002 | ERROR_BROWSER_CLOSED | The browser closed the connection before the process was complete. |
E30003 | ERROR_DATABASE_BUSY | The database is too busy to handle any more requests at the moment. |
E30007 | ERROR_MAIL_FAILURE | The email could not be sent. |
E30017 | ERROR_FTP_FAILURE | The FTP process failed. |
E30019 | ERROR_FAILED_FILE_UPLOAD | The file could not be uploaded. |
E30020 | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | The file could not be found. |
E30021 | ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_TEMPORARY_FOLDER | Unable to create the temporary folder. |
E30022 | ERROR_UNABLE_TO_SAVE_FILE | Failed to save the file. |
E30023 | ERROR_UNABLE_TO_COPY_FILE | Failed to copy the file. |
E30025 | ERROR_FAILED_TO_WRITE_XML | Failed to write the XML file. |
E30033 | ERROR_FAILED_NOTIFICATION | Failed to notify anyone of the problem. |
E30044 | ERROR_STATUS_UPDATE_FILE_FAILURE | Failed to process status files from the carrier. |
E30049 | ERROR_LABEL_FAILED | The creation of the label failed. |
E30097 | ERROR_FAILED_TO_CONTACT_REMOTE_OPTIONS_SERVICE | Delivery options could not be determined as the remote options provider (usually the carrier) could not be contacted. |
E30098 | ERROR_FAILED_TO_REMOTE_LOOKUP | Delivery options could not be determined a problem occurred at the carrier's end of the communication. |
E30101 | ERROR_FAILED_TO_REMOTE_CANCEL | A problem occurred at the carrier while trying to cancel the consignment. |
E30102 | ERROR_FAILED_TO_REMOTE_ALLOCATE | A problem occurred at the carrier while trying to allocate the consignment. |
E30161 | ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CANCEL | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E30179 | ERROR_HTTPS_FAILURE | An error occurred while communicating via HTTPS. |
E30191 | ERROR_SOAP_FAILURE | An error occurred while communicating via soap. |
E30201 | ERROR_CERTIFICATE_FAILURE | This is an internal error which MetaPack resolve |
E30207 | ERROR_HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_FAILURE | An error occurred while communicating via HTTPCLIENT. |
E30219 | ERROR_SOCKET_CLOSING_FAILURE | An error occurred while closing a socket. |
E30220 | ERROR_SOCKET_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE | An error occurred in the communications to/from a socket. |
E40004 | ERROR_DATABASE_ERROR | There was a problem with the database. |
E40034 | ERROR_EMPTY_QUERY | The query returned no results. |
E40035 | ERROR_NON_EMPTY_QUERY | The query returned some results. |
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