For more information on creating a pickwave, see the Creating a Pickwave in StoreFeeder knowledgebase.
Once you have met the above requirements, you will be ready to export your manifest.
To export the file, first go to the 'Manifests' page on the 'Warehouse' menu.
Now select the warehouse which the orders to be shipping by this courier are being dispatched from.
select the 'Date Range' to select the date on which the orders were placed in a pick wave and finally select the pickwave the orders are in and click the 'Confirm' button.
You will now see all of your couriers that you have a file export specified for, sorted by shipping method. You can export the file in two ways, either by Courier or Shipping Method. To export by courier, click 'Export All' on the same line as the chosen courier or to export by shipping method, click 'Export' on the same line as the chosen shipping method.
Save the produced .csv file to a location on your computer and it will be ready for upload to your courier's system.
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