To create a pickwave in StoreFeeder, you will first need to go to the 'Picking Screen' ('Warehouse > Picking').
Here you will see all of the orders that are ready to be dispatched.
Only orders with the status 'Complete Ready To Pick' will appear in the 'Outstanding Orders' box.Select the Warehouse from which your orders will be fullfiled from the 'Warehouse' drop down box.
Here you will be able to filter the orders by 'Channel', 'Order Date', 'Package Size' or 'Shipping Method'. Doing this will allow you to add orders of the same type to a single pickwave, allowing you to organise your picking in a way that will suit you.
To create the pickwave itself, click the check box next to an order you want to add to the new pickwave (clicking the "tick all" box will add all orders on this page), select the picker from the 'Picker' dropdown box and click the 'Create Pickwave' button.
You will see a notification confirming that the pickwave has been created.
Once you have created the pickwave, you can produce your 'Picking List', 'Packing List' and 'Invoices' at this point. To do so, simply click on the 'Print' button below the corresponding option as shown in the above image and your paperwork will be displayed as a PDF.
Clicking on the newly created 'Pickwave ID' will take you to the 'Edit Pickwave' page.
If you are dispatching by barcode scanner, see this knowledgebase for further information.
If not, you can press the 'Dispatch Pickwave' button to dispatch the entire pickwave.
Once you have dispatched all of your orders, the pickwave will have moved to the 'Completed Pickwaves' tab on your picking screen. This will show you your last five completed pickwaves.
On the left of the screen you will see the 'Open Pickwaves' and 'Completed Pickwaves' tabs. These will show you all open and completed pickwaves on StoreFeeder.
Below you can see the 'Completed Pickwaves' screen. Here you can see all completed pickwaves. You will be able to reprint 'Picking Lists', 'Packing Lists' and any 'Invoices'. You can also add 'Tracking Numbers' to orders from this page individually.
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