What's this Guide For?
Whether it's a part of your company's policies or something a channel you list on is requesting, having control over when customer data is wiped is pretty essential these days.
StoreFeeder gives you the freedom to decide how long customer data is stored against orders and will automatically wipe customer data from orders if they match that criteria. What's better is that this can be done on a "per channel" basis as we know some sales channels require data to be deleted sooner than others.
Whether you would like to set data to be deleted or anonymised, the options are found in the same place. If you visit the setting page in StoreFeeder and look to the left of the page, you'll see a navigation bar; one of the options on this bar is "Data Management", click that and you should see an option titled "Data Retention" which when clicked, will take you to the page you'll need to be on to make the desired changes.
Generic Data Retention Status
Once you are on the data retention page, you'll be greeted with the page pictured below. As you can see there is a section "Account Data Retention Settings"; the criteria you set here is account-wide and will affect all of your orders across all channels.
There are two options present here, whether you want to delete or anonymise customer data (You can choose both if you so wish, though having data deleted first wouldn't really make much sense if you are!). If you need a little clarity on which option will do:
- Anonymise Customer Data After - After the set amount of time, orders will lose all customers personal information against them, but the order will still exist in StoreFeeder.
- Delete Order Data After - After the set amount of time, orders will be deleted from StoreFeeder completely.
Make sure, before you switch either of the options on, that you have determined the amount of time StoreFeeder leaves orders before wiping data by writing a number of days in the field with "days" next to it.
Once that's done, you'll need to switch them on using the toggles found to the right of each option. Be sure to save after you've made the changes and that's all you need to do! Leave StoreFeeder to do the rest of the work for you.
Channel Specific Data Retention Status
Setting data retention options for each of your channels is done in a very similar way to setting generic account data retention settings but with an extra step to begin with.
On the data retention page, the second block titled "Channel Data Retention Overrides" is where you want to be looking; you'll see a green button titled "Add Channel Override", click that and you'll be greeted with a pop up like the one shown below.
In the "Channel" field, start typing the name of the channel (and you can pick more than one here) you want to set data retention settings for and you'll see the option become available to select the desired channel.
Now, in the same vein as setting the generic account data retention settings, decide the number of days you want StoreFeeder to wait before it anonymises or deletes order data for the specified channels.
Once done, be sure to click the "Add Channel Override" button and that's it! You've set up channel specific data retention settings.
You'll now notice that the channel specific settings you've created will appear underneath the "Channel Data Retention Overrides" section, as shown below.
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