If you are based in Ireland or Northern Ireland, we now offer an integration with IFS Global Logistics. You can integrate your StoreFeeder account with IFS to produce shipping labels. To do so, navigate to the 'Integration Manager' page by clicking 'Settings' in the top right hand corner of the page and click the 'New Integration' button as shown:
Select the 'Courier' integration type.
Select 'IFS' from the list.
Finally, set the 'Profile Name' of your IFS integration and click the green '+ Add Integration' button.
You will be directed to the 'Integration Details' page, where you will need to set up your IFS integration. You can return to this page at any time by navigating to ('Settings'>'Integration Manager') and selecting your IFS integration from the list.
The 'Integration Details' page is made up of different sections:
'Integration profile'
Integration Type: This is set to IFS
Profile Name: The name of your integration.
Company Identity: Ensure your correct company identity is selected
Tracking URL template: Enter the URL that is used for tracking parcels. This can be used on emails to customers etc.
'Courier API Settings'
Fill in the relevant details of this page to use an API service.
You will need to contact your IFS Account Manager to get this information.
Once all this information is entered, click 'Save' and you are now linked.
It is important to configure courier cut off times for your warehouses for seamless despatching. For help on this please see - https://support.storefeeder.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360007739577--Courier-Cut-Off-Times
You are now setup, please contact your IFS Account Manager to see if you need to do any test labels.
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