IP Address Restrictions is a feature that allows Admin users to restrict the access of normal users, using source IP addresses. For example, you can allow access to my.storefeeder.com to IP addresses of your offices or warehouse, and deny access from external locations, such as users homes.
By limiting access locations and blocking access from external places, you can effectively prevent unauthorised access to your StoreFeeder account.
To set up IP address restriction, first you need to contact StoreFeeder Support who will activate the feature on your account.
Once active, you must be an 'Admin User' and you need to go to 'Settings > Security > IP Addresses and Locations'
Here you will see a list of authorised IP addresses.
If there are none, you are recommended to add the location you are in now, which should be the office or common location where all users can access from.
To do this, simply add a name for ease of recognition, and click 'Add my IP Address'
This will add the IP address to the list of authorised IP addresses:
Here you can also toggle locations on and off, and delete completely should access from that IP become no longer permitted.
You should now switch the feature 'On' by clicking the 'Enable IP Address Checks - Online and Mobile' to 'YES'.
Now, any user will now be able to log in from that location, but will not be able to from any other IP address.
If the user tries to login from another IP address, they will get this message:
Here they can make a request for that IP address to be permitted.
They do this be adding a 'Description of Address / Location' and then clicking 'Send Request'
The request will be sent to StoreFeeder and can be viewed by Admin users on the same page, under the 'Pending Request to Add an IP Address' section:
Here you can choose to allow or deny access from that IP address. Allowing, will add to the list of authorised locations.
Disabling IP restrictions for certain users
At the Admin users discretion, the restriction of IP address feature may be switched OFF for certain users, travelling workers etc.
To do this, go the 'Settings > Company > Users' and select the appropriate user. Then click the 'User Permissions' tab and turn 'Is this user exempt from IP address restrictions?' to 'YES'. Then click 'Save'
The user is now no longer restricted by IP address.
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