November Releases 2024
Items included have been released throughout the month. This article is retrospectively updated weekly. Please see here for our up to date log of upcoming releases.
(77274) - ROYAL MAIL - We have added Crossborder Services
(45691) - LOGGING - In conjunction with our permissions enhancements, we are adding audit logging for permission changes
(74961) - APP EPOS - We now allow order discounts
(84607) - APP - We have improved validation for serial number logging
(84959) - APP - We have made changes to display the transfers only that match a product with the barcode in the filter
(84676) - ROYAL MAIL - We have added Crossborder services
(84676) - TESCO- We have made changes to allow Tesco listings to be exported from the Listings Import/Export page
(78674) - EVRI - We have made changes so that the DetailedDescription field in Evri gets updated from the product information
(75510) - AMAZON - We have added a new toggle on Product details " Is Amazon Transparency Product"
(74961) - APP EPOS - We have made changes to allow order discounts
(57663) - PURCHASE ORDERS - We have added Quarantined Inventory (and product image) to Purchase Order Creation
Bug Fixes:
(85625) - EBAY - We are have fixed an issue where condition fields were not filling in and stopping listing upload
(82486) - ROYAL MAIL - We have made changes to the Dangerous Goods Enhancement toggle to show/hide dynamically
(81021) - PURCHASE ORDERS - We are fixing an issue where CSV PO Import was not matching if the capital letters of SKUs didn't match
(80660) - SHOPIFY - We are fixing an issue where the URL was changing when the listing title changed
(80600) - SHIPPING RULES - We have fixed an issue where sometimes shipping rules were not applying correctly on import for orders with single item kits
(80026) - MAGENTO - We have fixed an issue where the Magento Integration was changing Inventory of existing products
(74519) - MAGENTO - We are fixing an issue where Magento Tax Rate / Discount do not match the values coming into StoreFeeder and the tax rates discount come in as negatives.
(85067) - EKM -We have fixed an issue where sometimes OrderLine wa being mapped to an Incorrect Product
(82735) - INTERSOFT -We have fixed an issue where certain currencies were not accepted
(84805) - TESCO -We have fixed an issue where Fedex orders wouldn't dispatch on Fedex due to the courier mapping
(75725) - MIRAKL -Mirakl inventory update will now allow users to send up inventory / price updates individual of each other
(84865) - ROYAL MAIL - We have fixed an issue where we were always picking the first Contract Code For Service Level
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