Bulk Actions
An overview of the Bulk Actions that can be carried out on orders and how to use them
Using the Bulk Actions Tool
On the 'Manage Orders' page you will be greeted with the orders grid. On the top left of the grid there's a drop down box which is where you'll see all the bulk actions you can carry out on your orders.
The first thing you'll need to do is decide what it is you want to do to your orders and select the option from this list.
In this example, we're going to be putting multiple orders on hold. A description of each action can be found further down this page.
Next you'll need to select the orders you want to carry out the bulk action on, you can do this by clicking the check boxes on the left hand side of the order.
Alternatively if you want to carry out the action on all orders on the page, check the box at the head of all the check boxes (circled in image below).
Once you have selected the orders you want to act on, click the 'confirm' button next to the dropdown box where you selected your bulk action.
Don't panic if you have made a mistake, you'll be asked to confirm that this is definitely what you want to do. If everything is in order, click 'OK'
Congratulations, you've just carried out your first bulk action.
For more information about what happens next, consult the list below.
List of Bulk Actions
Alter Shipping Method
This action lets you change the shipping methods of multiple orders in quick fashion, you can find more information about this action here.
Cancel Orders
This action will cancel the selected orders and return their stock back to your inventory.
You will still be able to view cancelled orders, but they wont be eligible for despatch or label printing.
This action could be used if a customer no longer wants their order.
PLEASE NOTE: Cancelling order does NOT refund them automatically. Refunds must be processed through the payment method used to pay for the order originally.
Cancel Orders - Keep Stock Allocated.
This action will cancel the selected orders but WILL NOT return their stock back to your inventory.
You will still be able to view cancelled orders, but they wont be eligible for despatch or label printing.
This action could be used if a customer no longer wants their order but for some reason (perhaps by accident or for customer satisfaction) the order was still sent to them.
PLEASE NOTE: Cancelling order does NOT refund them automatically. Refunds must be processed through the payment method used to pay for the order originally.
Delete Orders
This action will delete the selected orders and return their stock back to your inventory.
You will not be able to view deleted orders, so please proceed with caution when using this action.
This action could be used if a customer placed an order by accident and there is no reason to keep a record of it, perhaps if it wasn't ever paid for in the first place.
PLEASE NOTE: Deleting an order does NOT refund them automatically. Refunds must be processed through the payment method used to pay for the order originally.
Pre-Despatch Orders
This action will mark the selected orders for all intents and purposes, as despatched, even if they haven't left your warehouse yet.
The channels that each order was placed through will be updated of the change in order status and as such will update the customer letting them know that their order has been despatched. With this is mind, please be careful when using this action to avoid customer dissatisfaction.
Despatch Orders
This action will update the order status of the selected orders to 'Despatched'.
The channels that each order was placed through will be updated of the change in order status and as such will update the customer letting them know that their order has been despatched. With this is mind, make sure the order is leaving the building before using this action.
Export Order Information
This action will export the data from the selected orders using the 'Default Order Export' template.
For more information on how to set up a 'Default Order Export' template, please see the article here.
This action could be used if you need the order data from orders placed during a specific time.
Hold Orders
This action will update the order status of the selected orders to 'On Hold'.
Whilst on hold, orders are not eligible for despatch or label printing.
This action could be used if orders have issues with them that need resolving before despatch.
Unhold Orders
This action will revert the selected orders back to the order status they had before they were placed on hold.
Please note that this action will only revert the order's status back to what it was prior to being put on hold. It will not change it to any other status.
This action could be used if a pending issue with an order has now been resolved.
Mark Orders as Attention Required
This action will flag the selected orders as 'Attention Required'. You will then be prompted to write a message about why attention is required.
After you've finished and clicked 'Mark as Attention Required' you'll notice that the selected orders now have a icon in the 'Order Flags' column.
If you scroll over the icon you'll see the message you wrote.
This action is extremely useful if your support team need to communicate something with your despatch & picking teams.
Mark Orders as Paid
This action will change the order status of the selected orders from 'Awaiting Payment' to 'Complete (Ready to Pick)'
This will mean that the orders affected will now be eligible for despatch and label printing.
This action could be used after receiving cheques for previously unpaid for orders.
Merge Orders
This action will attempt to merge the selected orders together.
Orders can only be merged together if they share the same customer ID.
This action could be used to save on shipping if a customer has placed multiple orders quick succession.
Print Invoices
This action will print invoices for all the selected orders.
The window that pops up after clicking 'confirm' is timed so make sure you click '(Click to keep open)'.
Generate Labels
Print Labels
Remove Attention Required
This action will remove the flag 'Attention Required' from the selected orders.
This will also remove the message written in the 'Attention Required Message' box within the order as well.
Split Out of Stocks
This action will take the selected orders and spilt the out of stock items in to new orders.
You will be presented with a few options, each of which can be scrolled over with your cursor to reveal more information about each option.
This action could be used if there is urgency to get an order out to a customer regardless if a few bits have to be back ordered.
Return Order Items
This action will take you through the return process for the selected orders. Please note: this wont work unless all the selected orders have the order status 'Despatched', 'Part-Return' or 'Awaiting Return'.
For more information about the return process, please see the article here.
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