Understanding Product Discontinuing & Archiving
There may be multiple reasons why you may wish to hide certain products from your inventory, purchase orders, and listings, such as a current lack of availability, to clear away promotional or seasonal products that are only required at certain times of the year, or simply to tidy your interface.
We have 2 methods of being able to to this and while the process is similar there are distinct differences depending on your needs:
- Products WILL still appear as ‘In stock’
- Products WILL NOT appear on the Requisitions page
- Products WILL NOT appear on Purchase Orders for ordering
- Products WILL still display on the app
- Products WILL be able to be added to orders and listings
Discontinuing products should be used when you are tring to run down stock and prevent ordering any more. You may following this up with archiving if you choose.
- Products MUST be 0 stock or archiving won't be allowed
- Products WILL NOT still appear as ‘In stock’
- Products WILL NOT appear on the Requisitions page
- Products WILL NOT appear on Purchase Orders for ordering
- Products WILL NOT display on the app
- Products WILL NOT be able to added to orders, listings or purchase orders
Archiving products should be used for either products you dont wish to keep stock any more but not fully delete. Or another use is for seasonal products where you may wish to hide them for ceratin parts of the year.
Discontinuing products indiviually
To discontinue an individual product, navigate to ('Products'>'Manage Products'>'Edit').
Additionally, you can choose to discontinue or reintroduce a product at any time by clicking a product to go to the 'Product Information' page, and then by clicking the 'Discontinue Product' button as shown:
Click 'Okay' and the product will be discontinued.
If succesful you will get the following confirmation:
and the following for reintroducing:
Archiving products individually
To archive an individual product, navigate to ('Products'>'Manage Products'). From here, you can filter as usual to find the product you wish to archive. When you hover the mouse over the product, three options will appear: 'Edit', 'Delete', and 'Archive'.
Select 'Archive' and a popup will appear asking you to confirm. Click 'Okay' and the product will be archived.
Additionally, you can choose to archive or unarchive a product at any time by clicking a product to go to the 'Product Information' page, and then by clicking the 'Archive Product' button as shown:
If archiving is succesful you will get the following confirmation:
And the following for unarchiving:
If a product is already archived, this button will be changed to 'Unarchive Product' instead.
Discontinuing\Archiving products in bulk
On the same 'Product Manager' page, you can select multiple products by checking the boxes to the left of each product row. When you click the drop down box above the column titles, you will be able to select from five options: 'Archive', 'Clone', 'Discontinue', 'Delete, 'Export', 'Reintroduce' and 'Unarchive'.
Select the option to Archive or Discontinue.
The products will then be actioned accordingly.
The same can be done to reverse the process
Filtering for discontinued & archived products
On your 'Manage Products' page, you can filter for all of the products that you have marked as discontinued or archived. These columns are usually the rightmost column on the page, depending on which columns you have selected to be visible. If you cannot see the columns, you can use the filter tools icon to ensure they are selected, as shown below:
Click the checkbox on the column(s), and you will be presented with the options 'No,' 'Yes', and 'All'.
No: Discontined\Archived products will not be displayed
Yes: Discontined\Archived products will be displayed
All: All products will be displayed
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