There are multiple ways for you to adjust inventory levels for a product inside of StoreFeeder, either in bulk or by an individual product, and this knowledgebase will show you how.
Bulk Inventory Update by Spreadsheet
To update the inventory on multiple products at once, you can upload a spreadsheet containing the product SKU and its inventory level. To do this, first click on 'Bulk Inventory Update' in the products menu.
Here you will be able to upload the file. Click the 'Select File...' button and select the file from your computer.
Once the file has been uploaded, you will need to map the fields in the spreadsheet to the matching fields in StoreFeeder, so that SKU matches with SKU and Inventory matches with Inventory. Once you are happy with the mappings, click the 'Confirm Mappings' button.
Now you will need to choose the 'Import Type'. There are two options:
Absolute which will change the stock in StoreFeeder to match the stock in the import file. (i.e, 10 in StoreFeeder, import file shows 4, stock after update will be 4).
Adjustment which will add the inventory value in the import file to the current inventory value in StoreFeeder (+/- stock i.e, 10 in StoreFeeder, import file shows 4, stock after update will be 14).
When you have selected the import type you want, click the 'Confirm Import' button.
Once the import has been completed, you will see a message confirming the process.
You will also need to save the file as a .xls file.
Updating Inventory by SKU
You can also update individual products via their SKU. Click on 'Update By SKU' tab on the left of the page.
Again, you will need to select the 'Adjustment Type' from either 'Absolute' or 'Adjustment'. Then search for the SKU that you wish to adjust the stock for. Tick the box next to the item, put the inventory value in the 'New Inventory' column and enter any additional information into the 'Reason' field. Once you have made all of the adjustments you need, click the 'Update' button at the bottom of the page.
Adjusting Stock On The Product
You can even quickly adjust stock when viewing product information in StoreFeeder. When on a products 'General' tab, simply add the new inventory level in the 'Inventory' field and click the 'Save' button.
Performing Stock Adjustments on an Individual Product
To make adjustments to a product, click on the 'Adjustments' tab on the left of the screen.
On this page, you can adjust stock for a product in more detail and view any recent stock adjustments. There are two main types of adjustment that can be made, 'Manual Relative Adjustment' and 'Manual Absolute Adjustment'.
The first example is for a 'Manual Relative Adjustment'. You can select the 'Adjustment Type' from the drop down menu.
For a variation product, you will need to select the variation SKU from the drop down box.
Enter the 'Adjustment Amount' that you want to make the relative adjustment by and a 'Reason' if you wish. Under the 'New Inventory' header, you will be shown what the new inventory value will be after the adjustment has been made. You can clear the the adjustment before it is saved by clicking the 'Remove' button.
In this case we are using 'Manual Relative Adjustment'. This type of adjustment will add the specified quantity to the current inventory of the product. In this example, the product has a current inventory of 43, so when we perform the relative adjustment of 10, the products inventory will be changed to 53. Click the 'Save Adjustment' button to make the change.
Once the 'Manual Relative Adjustment' has been saved, you will see a notification confirming it and the inventory will be updated. The adjustment column shows +/- figure that the inventory for that SKU was adjusted by. In the, example we adjusted by 10, so the adjustment column shows +10 and the inventory of the product is now 53.
Note: You can remove stock from a product by adjusting by a negative number.
In the second example we will be actioning a 'Manual Absolute Adjustment'. You can adjust the Name of the product under the 'Variation' header and the 'SKU' of the product.
This time, we are using 'Manual Relative Adjustment'. This type of adjustment will change the inventory of the product to the quantity specified in the 'Qty' box. In this example, the product has a current inventory of 10, so when we perform the absolute adjustment of 5, the products inventory will be changed to 5. Click the 'Save Adjustment' button to make the change.
Once the 'Manual Absolute Adjustment' has been saved, you will see a notification confirming it and the inventory will be updated. The adjustment column shows +/- figure that the inventory for that SKU was adjusted by. In the example, we made an absolute adjustment of 63, so the adjustment column shows +10 and the inventory of the product is now 63.
Inventory Adjustment Types
Manual Relative Adjustment - Adjusts the stock BY the quantity specified (positive or negative numbers can be used)
Manual Absolute Adjustment - Adjusts the stock TO the quantity specified
Stock Location Transfer - This option is currently only available to customers using Multiple Stock Locations.
Stock update via FTP Feed
If you have a stock system that manages your inventory and you have access to an FTP Feed, then this can also be used to set stock levels within StoreFeeder. If you would like some more information on this, then please contact a member of our support team on 0115 7842 150.
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