**Trolley Picking is only available when an account is using multiple stock locations. It will not work for single stock location accounts.**
Trolley Picking allows you to associate a single picking trolley to a pickwave. Not only does this give you better visibility of where stock is in the warehouse (when an item is picked it will show in the trolley location rather than “In Transit”), but it also allows your packers to open the correct pickwave for despatching just by scanning the trolley.
- Go to ‘Warehouse > Stock Locations > Stock Location Overview’ and click ‘+ New Location’
- In the pop up that appears add the new ‘Trolley’ location and click ‘Save’
This will now display in the Stock Location Overview
- You now need to create a simple barcode that reads ‘Trolley 1’ when scanned. You can use a free piece of software like https://barcode.tec-it.com/en
- Attach this to the appropriate Trolley.
- Repeat this for all trollies
Process – Adding the Trolley
- Create the pickwave as normal.
- Open the pickwave on the app to start the picking process.
BEFORE starting to pick, click the 3 dots in the top right of the screen and click ‘Add Trolley’
- The following screen will appear:
- Simply scan the barcode of the Trolley. If that trolley is available (i.e. not already in use), then it will show as ‘Available’ and you can then click ‘Add Trolley’.
- You will then be taken back to the first pick.
As the picker carries out the picks, the stock will now be transferred from the pick location to ‘Trolley 1’ as they are picking
If you go ‘Warehouse > Picking’ and click on the pickwave number and then ‘Show Pickwave Logs’, you will also see that this pickwave was picked into Trolley 1:
Process – Despatching
- Go to ‘Warehouse > Despatch Order / Pickwave’ and simply scan the Trolley barcode into the input box (using a normal despatch USB scanner).
- The correct pickwave will open on the despatch page as normal and the packer can start despatching the orders in the usual manner.
- Once all orders are despatched ‘Trolley 1’ becomes available for use by the pickers again.
If any user tries to use ‘Trolley 1’ before all orders are despatched, they will get the following message on the PDA when trying to add a trolley:
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