In some circumstances, it is more efficient for a warehouse to big order by order, large products, higher number of units in an order etc., so StoreFeeder now gives you the ability to do this without sacrificing the validation process to ensure the correct items have been picked.
There are a few pre-requisites and rules to do this though.
1. You will need to associate the PDA being used to the label printer.
For this you will need to be running StoreFeeder Print Assist on your PC that the label printer is connected to.
To do this go to 'Settings' and the 'Printing > Print Assist Setup' in the left menu.
These 2 KB guides will assist you setting this up:
To associate the printers to the PDA, you will need to PDA to be on the same network as the host PC.
This guide will show you how to do this:
The printer is now connected to the device.
2. All order must have the labels pre-generated
For this process to work correctly, you will need to pre-generate the labels for the orders prior to placing them on pickwaves.
The easiest way to do this is in advance, before the orders hit the pickwave.
On the orders page, filter the 'Order Flags' column to 'Label Not Pre-generated' and the 'Order Status' column to 'Complete – Ready to Pick'
Then select ALL the orders on the grid and from the dropdown actions menu, select 'Pre-generate labels' and click 'Confirm'
More information on pre-generating labels can be found here:
3. Pickwaves must have only 1 order on them and the validation method must be "Location and Product Quantity"
In order for this process to work, you MUST only have '1 order per pickwave', and the product validation (i.e. scanning the picked products) MUST be set to 'Location and Product Quantity'
If either of the parameters is not there, you will not be able to despatch the order at the end of the picking process
There is a quick way to do this without having to manually create multiple individual pickwaves.
Use the filters to display all the orders that you wish to process, then select them all and click 'Create Pickwave'
In the popup box that appears:
a) Allocate a picker if you want to or leave blank to allow anyone to process the order
b) In the 'Max Pickwave Size' box, type '1'.
c) In the 'Barcode Validation Type' box, select 'Location and Product Quantity'
d) Click 'Create Pickwave'
You must use these settings each time you create a pickwave or the process will not work.
You will now see numerous pickwaves created (1 for each order to be processed)
You are now ready to pick and despatch the orders.
How to do the picking and despatch process
Open the app and login
Go to 'Pickwaves' on the menu
You will see all the newly created pickwaves here. These are now in effect individual orders for the pickers to pick and despatch.
Click on the pickwave (order) that you wish to process and when asked click 'Yes' to the question 'Do you wish to assign it to yourself?' (if the question appears). This will allocate the order to you as the picker.
Now the picker can pick the order by scanning the 'location barcode', and then each of the items they need to pick from that location.
When the last item to be picked is scanned (i.e. 4 of 4), then the app will move onto the next pick where the picker repeats this process. until all items are picked.
When the last item is scanned, the picker will be asked if they want to despatch the order, to which they should press 'Yes'
The label will now print on the label printer that is associated to that PDA, the order will mark as despatched on StoreFeeder, and the channel updated.
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