How to Map Listings by Spreadsheet
The Import & Map unmapped function can be used to bulk map listings to products, making it ideal for new channels about to go live.
Firstly, you will need to export your unmapped listings by navigating to Listings > Listings Import Export > Export Unmapped Listings.,
You then simply select the channel you wish to export and you will then get an export file. Please fill in the product SKU’s ready for mapping in the Product SKU To Map To column provided and save the file. You will need to enter both child AND parent SKU's into the file. All of the children must belong to the same product, the import does not allow you to map the children from different products to a single listing
It’s important not to amend the formatting of the exported file as the import function requires those specific column names and orders. Please also try not to add any formatting or filters to reduce potential import issues.
Once you have entered all of the mapping information, you can access the import tool from Listings -> Listings Import Export -> Import & Map Unmapped.
On this page, you can select your exported file, and the channel you’d like to map the listings to and configure if you’d like to copy images from the listings to the product or the product to the listing. These function in the same way as the normal manual mapping procedure.
If you want to download the image from the listings to the product, then make sure the Image option is turned on.
Once you’ve run the import, please allow some time for the mapping processes to complete in the background. You don't need to stay on the page once the file has been successfully imported.
Once it has finished you will receive an email on the account your StoreFeeder username is based on from This email will contain a summary of success\failures and a link to download the results file for more information on which listings failed to map and the reason why.
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