In StoreFeeder we offer you the ability to pregenerate your shipping labels for you orders prior to picking so you can save time at the despatch bench not waiting for couriers to return labels at the point of depatch. Doing this also highlights any validation issues with the order while you have more time to make any changes.
See the following knowledgebase article here for more details.
Below you will find information on how you can filter for these orders easily and quickly.
Orders Grid
You are able to filter order based on if they have been pregenerated or not by using the premade filters on the order flags column as below:
You will also see an indicator of the order in in the grid as below:
Orders Page
And finally on the order itself you can tell if a label has been generated as below:
One final thing to note is that you can use this in conjuction with saved filters so you are able to call up filters and pregenerate in bulk. Saving you time and effort.
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