What is IOSS?
The Import One-Stop Shop (IOSS) is the electronic portal businesses can use since 1 July 2021 to comply with their VAT e-commerce obligations on distance sales of imported goods.
IOSS will be mandatory for marketplace channels such as Amazon, eBay, Etsy etc. They will handle the EU VAT on orders and pass us their IOSS number which we then pass to the couriers when you despatch the orders.
You do not need to do anything to StoreFeeder for this to work.
Compatible Integrations and Carriers:
Here is the latest list of channels and couriers that are compatible:
- eBay
- Fruugo
- CDiscount
- Not On The High Street
- Etsy
- Amazon
- Hermes
- Royal Mail
- Fedex
- Intersoft (all couriers that link through)
- DHL Express
- DHL Parcels UK
- Parcelforce
Webstore Channels:
It is not mandatory for you to collect EU VAT or use IOSS for orders that are placed on your websites (Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento etc), you can continue to use DUP services. But if you have set up your site to collect the EU VAT at the point of checkout, then you can configure StoreFeeder to send your own IOSS number when you despatch the order.
Please note StoreFeeder does not provide the IOSS number, you need to apply for one.
In order to handle this and set StoreFeeder up to pass this information you need to do the following:
- Add you IOSS number to your Company Identities
In each of your company identities there is a new section to add your IOSS number.

2. Give us permission to apply the IOSS Number on your website channel.
On each website channel, there is a new checkbox to let us know that this website collects EU VAT and you wish to apply the IOSS number for applicable orders

Provided both these steps are done and you are using an applicable shipping service, then the IOSS number will be passed when despatching the order.
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