All the new General Product Safety Regulations (GPSR) fields have been added to our product import/export to help expedite the data entry process. You cannot use the product import to create new Responsible People in StoreFeeder, a guide to that can be found here:
Adding Responsible People
Importing GPSR fields
Importing GPSR data can be done through Product Import/Export -> Import (Update Existing). All the fields from the Regulatory Information tab can be mapped here as well as the 'Responsible Person - Reference' which can associate existing Responsible People to products in bulk.
Importing GPSR Documents
Importing GPSR documents in bulk is done through the new tab 'Import (GPSR Documents)'. To import these important documents you will need a spreadsheet/.csv with the following information:
SKU: The product SKU you want to attach this document to.
URL: An accessible URL for the document you wish to upload into StoreFeeder as a document.
Document Type: This list contains all the acceptable document types we have been provided by Amazon & eBay. The full list is;
Application Guide, Certificate of Analysis, Certificate of Compliance, Compatibility Guide, Emergency Use Authorization, Emergency Use Authorization Amendment, Installation Manual, Instructions for Use, Patient Fact Sheet, Provider Fact Sheet, Safety Data Sheet, Safety Information, Specification Sheet, Troubleshooting Guide, User Guide, User Manual, Warranty, Certificate of Conformity, Declaration of Conformity and Other Safety Documents.
Document Name: A straightforward name for this document
Document Description: An optional description of the document and its contents.
Document Languages: A comprehensive list of the languages the document you are uploading is translated into.
You can get a spreadsheet for importing these in bulk by exporting the blank template available at the bottom right of this page:
Exporting GPSR information
All the new fields needed for the GPSR changes are exportable from the Product Import/Export page as you would expect for any other product field in StoreFeeder:
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