The 'Bulk Inventory Update' feature in StoreFeeder allows you to update your product inventory in bulk or update up to 50 individual SKUs at one time.
Inventory CANNOT be updated through the 'Product Import/Export'. Inventory adjustments can only be made on this page.The 'Bulk Inventory Update' page can be found in the Products menu ('Products > Bulk Inventory Update').
Updating Product Inventory By File Import
The bulk inventory update via file import is found on the 'File Import' tab on the left of the page. First you will need to click the 'Select File...' button and find the spreadsheet you wish to upload.
Supported file types are .XLSX, .XLS and .csv.
Once the file has been uploaded, you will need to map the Inventory and the SKU fields in the spreadsheet to the matching field in StoreFeeder. If the field name in the spreadsheet matches the field name in StoreFeeder exactly, it will be automatically mapped for you. To select a StoreFeeder field to map to, select it from the corresponding drop down box.
Once you have mapped the correct columns, click the 'Confirm Mappings' button.
You will now need to select what inventory update import type you would like to use;
Absolute: It will take the value in the spreadsheet and replace the current product inventory in StoreFeeder with that value. E.g. if a products inventory is 5 and you perform an absolute update of 10, the new inventory value will be 10.
Adjustment: It will take the value in the spreadsheet and add it to the current product inventory in StoreFeeder. E.g. if a products inventory is 5 and you perform an adjustment update of 10, the new inventory value will be 15.
Once you have selected the import type you wish to use, click the 'Confirm Import' button to begin the update.
You will receive a message when the file has finished importing. It will inform you if the import was successful or if there were any errors during the process. The errors will be displayed in the same order as they were imported and show the line the error was on as well as what the error was.Updating Product Inventory By SKU
It is also possible to update the inventory on multiple individual SKUs at once. This can be found on the 'Update By SKU' tab on the left of the page.
You will first need to select an 'Adjustment Type' from the drop down box. The adjustment can be done as either an Adjustment or Absolute Adjustment.
Once you have selected the adjustment type, you can search your product catalogue by 'SKU', 'EAN', Name' and Manufacturer Name'. When you have found the products you wish to update, enter the adjustment amount in the 'New Inventory' and enter a reason for the update in the 'Reason' box.
When you have made the updates required, click the 'Update' button to update your products.
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