There are 2 common reasons why listings may not reprice to be cheaper than other sellers on the same ASIN even though you have the repricer enabled and your minimum is lower than the other sellers.
- StoreFeeder's Amazon Repricer works using Amazon price change notifications. Unfortunately, when a seller creates a new list against an Amazon ASIN this doesn't count as a price change to Amazon so they don't generate a price change notification and we don't reprice. To get around this we recommend you change your listing price by 1p occasionally to generate a price change notification and kick the repricer tool off. You can do this in bulk using the listing import.
- Also please note when you create new listings you need to list lower than other sellers or after you create the listing you need to change the price of the listing by 1p to create the price change notification and then the repricer will calculate the correct price.
- Also please note when you create new listings you need to list lower than other sellers or after you create the listing you need to change the price of the listing by 1p to create the price change notification and then the repricer will calculate the correct price.
- Sometimes Amazon notification queues can get corrupted so all of a sudden we will just stop getting notifications about price changes and then your prices will stop changing.
If you are having issues with listings not repricing we recommend you first try altering your listing prices by a small amount (Option 1 above), and then check back in an hour and see if the prices have changed to what you expected.
If it hasn't changed, please contact the Support Team and we can investigate further for you.
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