For business users Amazon allows a buyer to specify the hours that are able to receive orders. StoreFeeder supports this information and alerts users in multiple ways.
Firstly any orders that contain delivery experience instructions are automatically marked as “Attention Required”. This allows you to filter the orders grid to orders that requires attention before shipping.
Upon hovering over the “A” icon on the order flags a popup will show you the attention required message as below
This will be set for any order that has delivery experience instructions.
When going into the Edit Order page this information is also shown in the Order Information section
And the actual Delivery Experience information is stored in the “Special Instructions” field in the Shipping & Handling section
On the pickwave creation screen, again you are able to filter by attention required and as before this information is replicated in the applicable orders on the grid. If you have the "Notes" column configured then the instructions will also appear here as below:
This will allow you to ensure that orders reach the customer on the correct day as you will be able to add these orders to a pickwave which you could tag with “Despatch on 4th please" for example to allow next day orders to arrive on the 5th.
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