EPOS via the StoreFeeder App is not included as part of your standard subscription. Please contact the Sales team for a demo or trial if you are interested.
There are a few things you have to do to before you can start using EPOS. As its treated as its own sales channel you first need to add a new EPOS integration.
Setting up the channel and stock locations
Name it what you wish, at this point you can apply permissions to all users or set later.
This needs to be tied to a warehouse zone to limit the products that appear in the App. (Please see here for details on how to make warehouse zones)
Once you have set up your warehouse zone you then need to add stock locations to that warehouse zone to house your products. You have 2 options here.
- If your EPOS is connected to your warehouse then you can use standard stock locations as you can share the stock in your warehouse.
- If your EPOS is a seperate shop then you will need to use "Quarantined" stock locations to ensure that normal e-commerce orders cannot take the stock in your shop. For the purposes of this tutorial we shall be following this scenario.
Whichever scenario you use, stock will ALWAYS be taken from the location with the lowest location order in that zone regardless of if Quarantined.
**ONLY EPOS orders are allowed to allocate stock from Quaratined locations and ONLY in the same zone as the EPOS store
Next you will need some stock locations inside that warehouse zone to house your products
Creating Stock Locations and Assigning Them To Products
Next you need to transfer the stock into those locations.
- If you are a single stock customer, you can do this using a bulk product update updating the pickbin field How to use the Product Import/Export Feature
- If you are multiple stock location customer you need to complete a transfer Transferring your Stock Locations (Multi Stock Locations)
Creating Listings and Mappings
We recommend that firstly you decide what browse categories you want in the app as you will be mapping your product categories to them. This can be as many or few as you like as they are only used for manual browsing, we anticipate you will be scanning barcodes or searching for SKUs primarily.
When you have your list we recommend you create a listing for a dummy product that has all the categories you require using the bulk upload listing page. You just type the name of each category you want to add and hit enter. When done hit the "Upload Products" button to create the listing.
When that is created you can then head back into your EPOS integration and map your product categories to your EPOS categories. Click "Add Mapping" for any you wish to map then select the SF Product category and subsequent EPOS category then hit confirm.
When you have done that, return to the bulk upload listing page and you can then list your items in bulk and the majority of your categories will be automatically applied thanks to the mappings you just created.
Just tick any products you want to list, you can adjust the price and add\remove categories it this pointg also. When you are happy hit the "Upload Products" button to create the listings.
You will then see the listings under your new EPOS channel (You can now also delete the dummy listing by hovering over and choosing "Delete")
Add User Permissions
Next steps are to add permissons to any users that need, channel permissons dictate who can see orders on the website. (See here on how to configure permissions)
Mobile App EPOS permissions control who can access the EPOS feature on the app.
You are now ready to start using EPOS in the App. Please now refer to the EPOS (Usage) artcle.
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