Creating a Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) order in StoreFeeder is simple. To start, navigate to the MOTO orders page by hovering over 'Orders' in the StoreFeeder menu bar and clicking on 'MOTO (Phone Order Entry)'.
This will take you to the 'New Customer and New Order' page. To begin the order creation process, you will first have to add a customer to the order. To do this, click on the 'Search/Add Customer' which has been circled below.
You will now see a box where it is possible to search for an existing customer or create a new customer.
To search for an existing customer enter information relating to the customer, such as Name or Email, into the search bar and select the option from the drop down box then press search. If a customer is found in your list of customers that matches that the criteria, it will appear below the search box. Click on the customer to add them to the order.
If you need to create a new customer, click on the 'Create New Customer' button then fill in the customer information and press 'Save' to add the newly created customer to the order. You will see the 'Customer Successfully Loaded' message confirming the customer has been added to the order and their information will appear in the 'Customer' box.
Next you will need to select the information in the 'Shipping and Handling' box. Here you can set the 'Warehouse' and 'Shipping Method' from the drop down boxes highlighted below. A shipping cost can also be entered.
Products are linked to the warehouse they are stored in, so only products linked to the warehouse you have selected will appear when adding products to an order.Now you are ready to add products to the order. All the products available to order from the selected warehouse will be listed under 'Items to Order'.
It is possible to search for a product to add using either the product name or the product's SKU. Once you have found the product you want to add, check the box on the left to select the product and enter the quantity you wish to add to the order. Once this has been set, click the green 'Add Selected Products' button to add the product/s to the order.
To add multiple products to an order, simply check the box next to multiple items then click the 'Add Selected Products' button.The item will now be added to the order and you will see the 'Product Added Successfully' notification.
The final part of the process is to select a payment method. Select 'Offline Payment':
In the 'Offline Payment Method' box, you will need to further specify the type of offline payment. The options are 'Cash', 'Credit Card', 'Other', and 'Purchase Order'. If you select 'Other', a box will appear to allow you to add more information if you wish.
You will need to add a 'Purchase Order Reference' number to match up to the invoice you send to your customer if you select 'Cash' or 'Credit Card'.
Finally, add the 'Amount to Pay' in the box, and click 'Save' to finish.
Your completed order will appear on the orders page and be ready to pick.
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