*Please ensure you adhere to all marketplace guidelines and policies when processing your dropship orders.
Creating a Drop Shipment order or marking an order for Drop Ship in StoreFeeder is a simple process. Before you are able to create Drop Shipments, you will first need to create your Drop Shipper as a supplier in StoreFeeder. For more information on how to do this, please see this knowledgebase.
Creating a Drop Shipment is not a fully automated process in StoreFeeder.
Creating a Drop Shipment from an individual order
To create a drop shipment for a single order, click edit on the order and scroll down the page to the section showing the line items on the order. Here you will need to select the line item or items to be drop shipped using the checkbox next to the item and clicking the 'Create Drop Shipment' button.
You will then have the option to select the Supplier you are sending the Drop Shipment to. Select them from the drop down list and click the 'New Drop Shipment' button.
You will now see the Create Drop Shipment page. This will give you a chance to check the information to be sent to your supplier, including the Delivery Address, Ordered Product Information and Supplier Address. If you are happy with the information, click the 'Save Drop Shipment' button.
It is also possible to send the drop shipment to your supplier at the this point. To do this, simply click the 'Send To Supplier' button in the top right part of the page.
After you have clicked save, you will be returned to the Edit Order page for the drop shipment order. You will see a message confirming the successful creation of the drop shipment order. The order status will also have changed to 'Drop Shipment'.
To view your drop shipments, including any outstanding or previously sent ones, click on 'Products' and select 'Drop Shipments' from the menu.
You will see the newly created drop ship here. To send the shipment to your supplier click the 'Send Drop Shipment' option as shown below.
You will receive a message confirming the shipment has been marked as sent and the order status will change to 'Sent to Supplier'.
Once you have had confirmation from the supplier that the order has been despatched you will need to confirm the order in the Drop Shipment. Click into the relevant Drop Shipment Reference.
To mark an order as despatched, click 'Mark Drop Shipment as Despatched' and this will change the order status to 'Shipped by Supplier' and an update to channel will be sent indicating the order has been marked as despatched.
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