What are Priority and Attention Required Orders?
Priority Orders are a new feature to display, process and filter your orders that require immediate attention. Amazon Priority Orders are an example of a service that requires next day delivery, and there are now a variety of changes to StoreFeeder to accommodate this type of order.
Attention Required is a status you can add to your orders to mark them as high importance.
Priority Orders and Attention Required orders on your Dashboard
Your dashboard will now include a box to display both Priority Orders and Attention Required orders:
Priority Orders and Attention Required orders in your 'Manage Orders' Page
When you navigate to ('Orders'>'Manage Orders'), you will be able to see a new filter column, 'Order Flags', where you can filter products by 'Priority' and 'Attention Required'. A red 'A' stamp represents orders that require attention, and a green 'P' represents Priority Orders, as shown:
Marking an order as Attention Required
To mark an order, navigate to ('Orders'>'Manage Orders') and click the 'Order ID' of the order you would like to mark as 'Attention Required'. In the order details page that opens, you can check the box, and add additional information if required, as shown:
Priority Orders in Pickwaves
You can filter your 'Outstanding Orders' in your ('Warehouse'>'Picking') page. From the drop down box as shown below, you will be presented with the available order flags.
Simply select the flags you need (Priority to show priority orders) and the grid will filter.
Priority Orders in Shipping Rules
When creating or editing a Shipping Rule, a drop down box has been added to include Priority Orders as a criteria. From the drop down box shown below, you are given the following choices:
Any Priority: The rule will apply to orders of Any priority
No: The rule will not apply to Priority Orders
Yes: The rule will only apply to Priority Orders
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