In conjunction with our Multiple Stock Locations add on, using this function, you can quickly transfer a product from one location to another.
In the Transfers section you have access to 3 options:
1. On opening the 'View Transfers' page you will see any pending transfers that are allocated to you and you can action them there and then.
This is simply an action for you to do. In the example above a pending transfer has been set to move 5 units of SKU 613358 from pick bin A2 to pick bin A3.
There are 3 actions at the bottom,
Delete the pending transfer
Edit the pending transfer
Complete the pending transfer
Once the transfer is completed, the stock will be instantly updated inside StoreFeeder
2. In the 'Create Pending' section, you can create a transfer to be carried out later.
Here you will be asked to scan or enter a product, then a 'from' stock location, the 'qty' you are transferring and then a 'to' stock location.
You can choose to allocate this to a specific user, or leave unassigned for any user to action. Once submitted, this will then save as a Pending Transfer in the View Transfers section to be actioned as described in Point 1 above.
3. In the 'Create Immediate' section, you can generate a transfer as you are doing it. Again you will be asked to scan or enter a product, then a 'from' stock location, the 'qty' you are transferring and then a 'to' stock location.
You will then be shown a summary and asked to submit. Once submitted, the transfer is done immediately.
Page Features:
- You can either scan a barcode on a product or enter a SKU when searching for a product. Or you can scan the stock location.
- When you scan a location, you can choose a "Select All" button, which transfers the entire contents of the stock location to another one. Handy if you are moving all stock from one location to another.
Hints & Tips:
- If you want to move the stock to a new location that is not associated to the product already, you can simply click the "+" icon next to the stock location selection dropdown and you can associate a new location to that product instantly.
- Be cautious when moving stock to or from a "Quarantined" location. Moving stock to it will make that qty unavailable for sale, and moving from it will make that stock variable for sale. Don't worry when moving from or to a "Quarantined" location, we put a warning box on screen!
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